Exploratory growth in the Li2MoO4-MoO3 system for the next crystal generation of heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers, by Matias Velázquez, Philippe Veber, Meryem Moutatouia, Pierre de Marcillac, Andrea Giuliani, Pia Loaiza, Dominique Denux, Rodolphe Decourt, Hassan El Hafid, Matthias Laubenstein, Stefanos Marnieros, Claudia Nones, Valentina Novati, Emiliano Olivieri, Denys V. Poda, Anastasiia S. Zolotarova, Solid State Sciences, 65 (2017), 41-51.
First scintillating bolometer tests of a CLYMENE R&D on Li2MoO4 scintillators towards a large-scale double-beta decay experiment, by G. Buşe, A. Giuliani, P. de Marcillac, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, D.V. Poda, T. Redon, J.-B. Sand, P. Veber, M. Velázquez, A.S. Zolotarova, Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, A 891 (2018) 87–91.
Numerical modeling of Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 crystals for heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers, by Carmen Stelian, Matias Velázquez, Philippe Veber, Abdelmounaim Ahmine, Jean-Baptiste Sand, Gabriel Buşe, Hugues Cabane, Thierry Duffar, Journal of Crystal Growth, 492 (2018) 6-12.
Experimental and numerical investigations of the Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 crystals for heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers, by C. Stelian, M. Velazquez, P. Veber, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, P. de Marcillac, A. Giuliani, D.V. Poda, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, A.S. Zolotarova, H. Cabane, T. Redon, Journal of Crystal Growth, 531 (2020) 125385/1-5.
Effect of the growth pulling direction on 3D anisotropic stress during different stages of semitransparent Li2MoO4 growth, by Yahia Zakarya Bouzouaoui, Faiza Mokhtari, Matias Velázquez, Samir Zermout, Idir Lasloudji, CrystEngComm, 23 (2021) 8612-8621.
Conventional Czochralski growth of large Li2MoO4 single crystals, by Abdelmounaim Ahmine, Matias Velázquez, Vitali Nagirnyi, Ivo Romet, Thierry Duffar, Journal of Crystal Growth, 578 (2022) 126420/1-4.
Mechanical properties of Li2MoO4 single crystals, by A. Ahmine, P. Djémia, M. Fivel, D. Faurie, N. Girodon-Boulandet, M. Velazquez, L. Xuan, T. Duffar, Journal of Applied Physics, 131 (17) (2022) 175102/1-9.
Computational analysis of radiative heat transfer in Czochralski furnace and 3D anisotropic thermal stress in Li2MoO4 bulk crystal, by Fadila Haddad, Yahia Zakarya Bouzouaoui, Faiza Mokhtari, Matias Velázquez, Samir Zermout, Idir Lasloudji, Crystal Research and Technology, 57 (10) (2022) 2200097.
Crystal growth and physical properties characterizations of borate and molybdate crystals used in the rare events searches by means of heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers, by Rekia Belhoucif, Matias Velazquez, Philippe Veber, Yannick Petit, Olivier Pérez, Oudomsack Viraphong, Pierre de Marcillac, Lidia Torres, Andrea Giuliani, Pia Loaiza, 5th China-France symposium on advanced materials CFSAM-5, La Rochelle (France), 19-21 July 2017.
Croissance Czochralski de cristaux Li2MoO4 pour les bolomètres scintillants utilisés en détection des évènements rares, par Matias Velázquez, P. Veber, P. de Marcillac, A. Giuliani, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, D. V. Poda, A. S. Zolotarova, T. Redon, J.-B. Sand, G. Buşe, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, C. Stelian, Congrès de l’Association Française de Cristallographie, AFC Lyon 2018, Lyon (France), 10-13 July 2018.
Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 crystals for heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers used in the rare events detection, by M. Velázquez, P. Veber, P. de Marcillac, A. Giuliani, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, D. V. Poda, A. S. Zolotarova, T. Redon, J.-B. Sand, G. Buşe, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, C. Stelian, 7th French-German Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser crystals, Idar-Oberstein (Germany), 13-14 September 2018 and 6th European Conference on Crystal Growth – ECCG6, Varna (Bulgaria), 16-20 September 2018.
Czochralski growth of Li2MoO4 single crystals for the scintillating bolometers used in the rare events searches, by Abdelmounaim Ahmine, Matias Velázquez, Thierry Duffar, Carmen Stelian, Hugues Cabane, Philippe Veber, Jean-Baptiste Sand, Marc Dumortier, Journées Cristech 2018, Porquerolles (France), 10-12 October 2018.
Bulk Li2MoO4 crystals for scintillating bolometers used in neutrinoless double-beta decay next generation detection experiments, by M. Velázquez, P. Veber, C. Stelian, P. De Marcillac, A. Giuliani, D. Poda, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, A. Zolotarova, H. Cabane, T. Redon, and Mechanical properties and dislocations numerical modeling for Li2MoO4 crystal growth, by A. Ahmine, M. Velázquez, H. Cabane, C. Josserond, G. Kapelski, H. Roussel, P. Veber, M. Dumortier, P. De Marcillac, A. Giuliani, T. Duffar, 19th International Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy 19 – ICCGE-19, 28 July – 2 August 2019, Keystone (Colorado, USA).
Bulk Li2MoO4 crystals for scintillating bolometers used in neutrinoless double-beta decay next generation detection experiments, by M. Velázquez, P. Veber, C. Stelian, P. De Marcillac, A. Giuliani, D. Poda, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, S. Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, A. Zolotarova, H. Cabane, T. Redon, 8th French-German Workshop on Oxide, Dielectric, and Laser crystals, Lyon (France), 19-20 September 2019.
Czochralski growth of large Li2MoO4 single crystals, by M. Velázquez, A. Ahmine, T. Duffar, 22th American Conference on Crystal Growth and Epitaxy – ACCGE-22, 2 – 4 August 2021, (Virtual, USA).
Purification, growth and optical properties of large 6Li2MoO4 for scintillating bolometer, by Matias Velazquez, Philippe Veber, Vincent Motto-Ros, Christophe Dujardin, Abdelmounaim Ahmine, Thierry Duffar, Carmen Stelian, P. de Marcillac, A. Giuliani, S.Marnieros, C. Nones, V. Novati, E. Olivieri, D. V. Poda, I.Villa, A. S. Zolotarova, T.Redon, 11th International Conference on Luminescent Detectors and Transformers of Ionizing Radiation, Bydgoszcz (Poland), 12-17 September 2021.
Crystal growth, spectroscopic and mechanical properties of Li2MoO4 bulk single crystals for heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers, by Matias Velazquez, Philippe Veber, Vincent Motto-Ros, Christophe Dujardin, Abdelmounaim Ahmine, Thierry Duffar, Carmen Stelian, Pierre de Marcillac, Andrea Giuliani, Stefanos Marnieros, Claudia Nones, Valentina Novati, Emiliano Olivieri, Denys V. Poda, I. Villa, Anastasiia S. Zolotarova, Thierry Redon, Deutsche Kristallzüchtungstagung conférence “DKT 2021”, Berlin (Germany), 6-8 October 2021.
Crystals for heat-scintillation cryogenic bolometers used in the rare event searches, by M. Velázquez, GDR DUPhy “Deep Underground Physics” Plenary Meeting, DUφ-2021, Paris (France), November 29th-December 1st 2021.